Platform to Business Regulation Terms

Welcome to 4everfans!
4everfans is owned and operated by 4everfans LLC.
In these Platform to Business Regulation Terms, the words "platform" refers to the 4everfans website, "we", "us", "our" and "4everfans" refers to 4everfans and "you" and "user" refers to you, the user of 4everfans.
These Platform to Business Regulation Terms should be reviewed in conjunction with our terms and conditions, which are an essential component of them.
Only Creator users registered on our platform who are based in or have a residence in the European Union or the United Kingdom are subject to these Platform to Business Regulation Terms. These Platform to Business Regulation Terms are applicable to you if you register as a Creator on our platform. They are an essential component of our terms and conditions and should be read in conjunction with them.
These Platform to Business Regulation Terms detail our procedures for upholding the fairness and openness standards outlined in EU Regulation 2019/1150. (“Platform to Business Regulation").
1. Social media promotion of Creators: By signing up as a Creator on the platform, 4everfans have the option to use their social media profiles to promote the Creator and the Creator's content.
2. Ranking on 4everfans: Based on the Creators who have made money on 4everfans in the last 30 days, we randomly recommend possible Creators for a user or Fan to follow. There is no rating system in place. On 4everfans, there is no search or finding feature.
3. Complaints: If you have a complaint or concern regarding:
  1. Any claimed violation by us of a duty outlined in the Platform to Businesses regulations that has an impact on you.
  2. Technical problems that are specifically related to 4everfans and that concern you.
  3. Any actions we perform or conduct that has something to do with 4everfans and has something to do with you.
If you have any complaints or claims related to 4everfans please send them through our contact information.
4. Complaint handling procedure: After receiving your complaint as described in the preceding section, we will:
  1. Consider your complaint and the action we should take in response to it in order to fully handle the matter at hand.
  2. Respond to your complaint in a timely manner, keeping in mind the significance of the issue expressed.
  3. Inform you of the results of the internal issue handling procedure via email or message to your 4everfans account in a clear and understandable manner.
5. Mediation Services: You may obtain or request mediation services through a qualified third party if your complaint under Section 3 is not resolved to your satisfaction through our internal complaint and grievance handling procedure as described in the previous section.
Throughout the mediation, the parties are required to behave in good faith. However, any effort to resolve a disagreement between the parties through mediation will not affect their ability to file a lawsuit at any point before, during, or after the mediation process.
6. Contact Information: If you have any questions or concerns about these Platform to Business Regulation Terms, please contact us using the contact information below:
  • 4EverFans LLc.
  • Griffin GA
  • United States